ঘন্টায় 60 কি.মি. বেগে 100 মিটার দীর্ঘ একটি ট্রেন 300 মিটার দীর্ঘ প্লাটফর্ম অতিক্রম করতে কত সময় লাগতে ?

ক) 24 সেকেন্ড
খ) 26 সেকেন্ড
গ) 28 সেকেন্ড
ঘ) 30 সেকেন্ড

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ক) 1 বিঘা = 1600 বর্গ গজ
খ) 1 বর্গ মিটার =0.239 বিঘা
গ) 1 শতক = 445.6 বর্গফুট
ঘ) 1 একক = 23.9 বর্গফুট।
ক) It is you who is to pay for the loss
খ) It is you who are to pay for the loss
গ) It is you who has to pay for the loss
ঘ) It is you who is responsible for the loss.
ক) They acted upon his advices
খ) They acted following his advices
গ) They acted according to his advice
ঘ) They acted in accordance to his advice
ক) He said, 'the patient has died early in the morning.
খ) He said, 'the patient had died early in the morning.
গ) He said, 'the patient died early in the last morning.
ঘ) He said, 'the patient died early in the morning .

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