. Translate into English : 'আমি এটা না করে পারলাম না ।"

ক) I could not help do it.
খ) I could not help doing it.
গ) I could not help to do it.
ঘ) I could not but he did it.

Related Questions

ক) The water is simmering in the kettle.
খ) The water is rising high in the kettle .
গ) The water is rising high in the kettle.
ঘ) The kettle is over flowing.
ক) an elephant of white color
খ) a black marketer
গ) a very costly and troublesome possession
ঘ) a hoarder
ক) flattery for self -motive
খ) speaking ill of others
গ) Speaking highly of others
ঘ) recognizing good deed of others .
ক) demand
খ) permit
গ) aggravate
ঘ) deceive
ক) to reinforce
খ) be weak
গ) smooth out
ঘ) put anend to
ক) He is known by me.
খ) He was known to me.
গ) He has been known by me.
ঘ) He is known to me.

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