Which is the complex sentence : Unfortunately , he failed' -

ক) He is unfortunately failed .
খ) It is unforunately that he failed.
গ) He is failded unfortunately.
ঘ) It is unfortunate that he failed.

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ক) Pronoun
খ) Noun
গ) Verb
ঘ) Adverb
ক) No risk no gain
খ) As you sow, So shall you reap
গ) Grasp all ,lose all
ঘ) Look before you leap
ক) You came late today
খ) You have come late today
গ) You had come late today
ঘ) You come late today
ক) অকেজো
খ) বৃথা
গ) ধ্বংস করা
ঘ) অজ্ঞ
ক) I could not do without you
খ) I will not do without you
গ) I cannot do without you
ঘ) I have not do without you.

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