Complete the sentence : ---- went to Dhaka.

ক) Not only I went but also my brother.
খ) I not only but also my brother.
গ) Not only I but also my brother .
ঘ) I only but not my brother.

Related Questions

ক) humane
খ) modesty
গ) humble
ঘ) disgrace
ক) Phonetics
খ) Pedagogy
গ) Ethics
ঘ) Biology
ক) The teacher said that thank you my boys.
খ) The teacher told boys and thanked them
গ) The teacher thanked the boys.
ঘ) The boys were thanked by teacher .
ক) Jonathan Swift
খ) Alexander Pope
গ) Joseph Addision
ঘ) Richard Steel
ক) honesty
খ) sober
গ) new
ঘ) hostile

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