3mx=1 = 3a mx-2 হলে x এর মান কত?,

ক) 0.
খ) m2.
গ) 2m
ঘ) 2m,

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ক) there was loud hum
খ) there was a huge noise
গ) there was sound of thande
ঘ) there was an environment flame
ক) Pure
খ) Pious
গ) Wicked
ঘ) Moral
ক) Unsuccessful
খ) Unprofitable
গ) Abortive
ঘ) Effective
ক) He knows in and out of that affair.
খ) He made light of his friend's warning.
গ) The child was as good as gold
ঘ) I took him to task for his carelessness .

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