Choose the correct negative form of the sentence : Everybody admits that Hanif tried his best in the final examination .

ক) Everybody admits that Hanif hasn't try his best in the final examination .
খ) Everybody admits that Hanif didn't by his best in the final examination.
গ) Hanif didn't try his best in the final examination and everybody admits that.
ঘ) Nobody denies that Hanif tried his best in the final examination.

Related Questions

ক) The teacher punished the student because he was disobedient .
খ) As the student was disobedient teacher punished him.
গ) The teacher punished the student for disobedience .
ঘ) The teacher punished the student since he was disobedient.
ক) Probable
খ) Enact
গ) Fortunate
ঘ) Loud
ক) Inhertence
খ) Surounding
গ) Teemendus
ঘ) Plausible
ক) This is her knitting needle .
খ) This is the needle the she uses for knitting
গ) This is the needle for knitting
ঘ) This needle can be used for knitting .

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