If x is an integer and y=-2x-8 , what is the least value of x for which y is less than 9?

ক) -9
খ) -8
গ) -7
ঘ) -6

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ক) x
খ) xx
গ) xxx
ঘ) xxxxx
ক) 6
খ) 9
গ) 12
ঘ) 18
ক) peasant
খ) piteous
গ) pilgrimage
ঘ) pesimisstic
ক) destruction
খ) survival
গ) stagnation
ঘ) elaboration
ক) The horse was walked after the race by the traine
খ) After the race , the horse walked by the trainer.
গ) The horse was walked the trainer after the race
ঘ) 'The trainer walked the horse after the race.'

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