think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentencethe employment crices is--that it is affecting 25% people.--torrential rain is rare in this part of the world..i did not have a problem with the new manager's side as---, but i disliked some of his mannerisms

ক) such
খ) so
গ) high
ঘ) much

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ক) disparate
খ) magnanimous
গ) presentiment
ঘ) incongruent
ক) ambivalence
খ) exigency
গ) reprisals
ঘ) contraint
ক) the hair's breadth
খ) the bradth of a hair
গ) the hair breadth
ঘ) a bedth of a hair
ক) metaphor
খ) metonym
গ) euphemism
ঘ) dysphemism
ক) he has no political axe to grind
খ) he has no political will to move on.
গ) he has no political idol to follow
ঘ) he has no strong political stand to speak up

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