His friend ___ his word much to his despair
ক) went back on
খ) went away from
গ) went with
ঘ) went in
Related Questions
ক) philander
খ) philistine
গ) philosopher
ঘ) philanthropist
ক) loss the leaves annually
খ) are extreamly big
গ) have small leaves
ঘ) have fleshy leaves
ক) The rain fell in torrents
খ) It was drizzling with gusty wind
গ) It was raining cats and dogs
ঘ) The rain came down in torrent
ক) মানিকের খানিক ভাল
খ) অতি অল্প হইল
গ) প্রাণের কথা বুকে বাজে
ঘ) কথা কম কাজ বেশি
ক) homepage
খ) index
গ) title page
ঘ) bookmark
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