a median of a triangle divides it into two ___
ক) congruent triangles
খ) triangles of equal area
গ) isosceles triangle
ঘ) right triangle
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ক) 1/4
খ) 1/2
গ) 1/1
ঘ) 2/1
ক) N(square)
খ) -N
গ) 6-N
ঘ) 6+N
ক) tk. 156
খ) tk. 120
গ) tk. 136
ঘ) tk. 160
ক) unchanged
খ) decreased by 4%
গ) increases by 4%
ঘ) increases by 5%
ক) 5/3
খ) 5/2
গ) 5
ঘ) 20/3
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