ক) imaginary
খ) vague
গ) prophetic
ঘ) spiritually symbolic

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ক) difficult
খ) interfering
গ) blunt
ঘ) concealed
ক) moist
খ) dear
গ) transparent
ঘ) dark
ক) kindness
খ) brawl
গ) simple song
ঘ) primitive dance
ক) if his temperature will rise .
খ) if his temperature would rise .
গ) if his temperature rise .
ঘ) unless his temperature rise .
ক) Men have been knowning
খ) Men have to known long
গ) Men had long known
ঘ) Men have long known
ক) strokes a note of caution .
খ) strut for a note of caution .
গ) stroked a note of caution .
ঘ) struck a note of caution .

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