Two numbers are such that the ratio between them is 4:7 . If each is increased by 4, the ratio becomes 3:5 . The larger number is :
ক) 36
খ) 48
গ) 56
ঘ) 64
Related Questions
ক) 2
খ) 5
গ) 8
ঘ) None of these
ক) Habib Drammeh
খ) Amadou Sanneh
গ) Adama Barrow
ঘ) Abubacarr Marie Tambadou
ক) +
খ) -
গ) ÷
ঘ) ×
ক) Politician
খ) Freedom fighter
গ) Women activist
ঘ) Language hero
ক) Operation Omega
খ) Operation Searchlight
গ) Operation Crack Platoon
ঘ) Operation Jackpot
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