The gift of the gab means
ক) an unexpected gain
খ) a X-mas gift
গ) Thought provoking oration
ঘ) fluency of speech
Related Questions
ক) Character code
খ) Binary codes
গ) Binary word
ঘ) Parity bit
ক) Incredible
খ) Invisible
গ) Inaudible
ঘ) No Answer
ক) Laser printer
খ) InkJet printer
গ) Plotter
ঘ) Dot matrix printer
ক) Light pen
খ) Mouse
গ) Digitizer
ঘ) Terminal
ক) Mr. Hasan come late due to an accident
খ) Mr. Hasan come late on account of an accident
গ) Mr. Hasan come late for an accident
ঘ) Mr. Hasan come late because he met an accident
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