Machine A produces bolts at a uniform rate of 120 every 40 seconds and Machine B produces bolts at a uniform rate of 100 every 20 seconds. If the two machines run simultaneously , how many seconds will it take for them to produce a total of 200 bolts.
ক) 22
খ) 25
গ) 28
ঘ) 32
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ক) 360
খ) 500
গ) 540
ঘ) 130
ক) West
খ) South
গ) North
ঘ) East
ক) 630
খ) 1260
গ) 2520
ঘ) 196
ক) 24 years
খ) 38 years
গ) 34 years
ঘ) 32 years
ক) 500cm
খ) 5cm
গ) 0.97cm
ঘ) 1.97cm
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