Arrange the following in a meaningful sequence :

ক) Consultation
খ) Illness
গ) Treatment
ঘ) Recovery

Related Questions

ক) There is least demand for vegetable in city area
খ) vegetables are subject to downward price control in city area by the government
গ) City dwellers purchase vegetable produced only in the city area
ঘ) None of these
ক) The patient does not have high blood sugar
খ) The patient has high blood sugar
গ) Having high blood sugar is normal
ঘ) The patient did not answer the question directly
ক) In 2007 smugglers of banned products had significantly more funds
খ) Domestic production of illegal drugs increased considerably in 2007
গ) The authors statements were made to embarrass the officials
ঘ) In 2007 banned products entered the country by a different set of routes

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