If y(4x-24)=y and y not = 0, then x =?
ক) 23
খ) 2
গ) 4
ঘ) None of these
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How much is the percentage of technocrat ministers allowed in the cabinet of Bangladesh Government ?
ক) 10 Percent
খ) 20 Percent
গ) 1 percent
ঘ) None of these
ক) Henry A Wallace
খ) Norman Borlaug
গ) Rachel Carson
ঘ) Joseph Watson
ক) Sarban Megher Dine
খ) Nandita Narake
গ) Ghetuputra Kamala
ঘ) Common Gender
ক) 4 hours
খ) 5 hours
গ) 3 hours
ঘ) 6 hours
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