If PLAY is coded as 8123 and RHYME is coded as 49367 , how is MALE coded ?
ক) 6395
খ) 6198
গ) 6217
ঘ) 6285
Related Questions
ক) move round the sun
খ) have lights on it
গ) be the most important planet of the solar system
ঘ) be the nearest planet of the sun
ক) 100
খ) 20
গ) 50
ঘ) 45
ক) Barak Obama
খ) James Cameron
গ) David Cameron
ঘ) Tony Blair
ক) m P m
খ) T t J
গ) t T j
ঘ) T T J
ক) Janata Bank
খ) American Express
ঘ) City Bank
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