Computer does mathematical functions by using
ক) Analog digit
খ) Digital digit
গ) Binary digit
ঘ) Numerical digit
Related Questions
ক) It is the time to search for alternative
খ) New reserves of coal would be found before 2050
গ) Demand for coal is growing fast
ঘ) World's coal reserve is declining
ক) Windows XP
খ) Windows Vista
গ) Windows Millennium
ঘ) Windows Fujitsu
ক) There is a person in the party who is acquainted with all the twenty-six others .
খ) Each person in the party has a different number of acquaintances
গ) There is a person in the party who has an odd number of acquaintances
ঘ) In the party, there is no set of three mutual acquaintances .
ক) 33
খ) 31
গ) 27
ঘ) 37
ক) 8
খ) 12
গ) 18
ঘ) 140
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