When he found the wallet his face glowed but soon it faded as the wallet was .....
ক) Empty
খ) Vacant
গ) Recovered
ঘ) Stolen
Related Questions
ক) Rangamati
খ) MoiloveBazar
গ) Cox's Bazar
ঘ) Rangpur
ক) excellent
খ) important
গ) significant
ঘ) No Answer
ক) 6 December , 1971
খ) 26 March , 1971
গ) 16 December , 1971
ঘ) 14 December , 1971
ক) had expected and that its business would improve
খ) expected it would and that it will improve its business
গ) had expected it to and its business will improve
ঘ) expected them to and its business would improve
ক) A.H.M. Kamaruzzarnan
খ) Captain M. Mansur Ali
গ) Syed Nazrul Islam
ঘ) Dr. Kamal Hossain
ক) Agricultural Product
খ) Book Fare
গ) Medicine Industry
ঘ) Ice Hockey
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