Suppose cells A5 and B5 contain the values 35,000 and 100 respectively . In cell C5, if you apply the formula = IF (A5 <> 20000, B5 * 10%,B5 * 20%), what will be the result in C5 ?
ক) 20
খ) 7,000
গ) 3,500
ঘ) 10
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খ) = (A1 : A3)/3
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ঘ) = Average (A1:A3)
ক) Merge cells check box
খ) Wrap text check box
গ) Shrink to fit check box
ঘ) None of these
ক) Debugging
খ) Booting
গ) Loading
ঘ) Trouble Shooting
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