A train 120 meter long is traveling at a speed of 60 km/h. The time in which it will pass a passersby , walking at 6 km/h in the same direction is -
ক) 3 sec
খ) 9 sec
গ) 8 sec
ঘ) 6 sec
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ক) $35.85
খ) $33.60
গ) $35.45
ঘ) $36.55
ক) ocean
খ) animal
গ) city
ঘ) country
ক) 60,60,60
খ) 30, 60, 90
গ) 60,120,120,
ঘ) 60, 120, 150
ক) Father in law
খ) Father
গ) Uncle
ঘ) Brother
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