Select the correct spelling of the word in capital letters: DIAREAH
ক) Diahrea
খ) Diarea
গ) Diarrhoea
ঘ) Diareah
Related Questions
ক) Immediately
খ) Immediatly
গ) Imediatly
ঘ) Immedictly
ক) Miscelaneous
খ) Miscellanious
গ) Misceilanous
ঘ) Miscellaneous
ক) Rhythem
খ) Rythim
গ) Rhythm
ঘ) Rythem
ক) Dumbe
খ) Dumbell
গ) Dumbbel
ঘ) Dumbbell
ক) Gratefull
খ) Grateful
গ) Greatful
ঘ) Greatefull
ক) Exaggeration
খ) Exageration
গ) Exaggerasion
ঘ) Exeggeration
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