Translate the sentence into English:-ট্রেনটি ঢাকা যাবে---
ক) the train is bound for Dhaka
খ) the train is bound to Dhaka
গ) the train is bound towards Dhaka
ঘ) the train is bound toward Dhaka
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খ) all his efforts ended in the smoke
গ) all his efforts ended in a smoke
ঘ) all his efforts ended by the smoke
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খ) Mankind are at a stake now
গ) Mankind are at dangers now
ঘ) Mankind is at stake now
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খ) He is a man after my heart
গ) He is a man like my mind
ঘ) He is a man to my mind
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খ) Tango Tree
গ) Generalized Suffix Tree
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ক) Rope Tree
খ) Suffix Tree
গ) Tango Tree
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