'Invidious' is opposite to -
ক) Offensive
খ) Hateful
গ) Envious
ঘ) Charitable
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ক) Take what you have got readily available rather than expecting better in the future
খ) The seen is better than the unseen
গ) Promises are better than actuals
ঘ) It is no good beating about the bush
ক) Controlled prices
খ) Economic slow down
গ) Cultural dullness
ঘ) A disintegrating government
ক) sturdy
খ) fall
গ) great
ঘ) fat
ক) Uprightness
খ) Justice
গ) Integrity
ঘ) Bias
ক) laughing
খ) to laugh
গ) laugh
ঘ) that to laugh
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