Sweet Helen' make me inmortal with a kiss! The sentence has been taken from the play
ক) Romeo and Juliet
খ) Caesar and Cleopatra
গ) Doctor Faustus
ঘ) Antony and Cleopatra
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ক) Edward Fitzgerald
খ) Thomas Carlyle
গ) D. G. Rossetti
ঘ) William Thackeray
ক) Guy de Maupassant
খ) O Henry
গ) Somerset Maugham
ঘ) George Orwell
ক) Mr. Earnishaw
খ) Catheritae
গ) Heathcliff
ঘ) Hindley Earshaw
ক) George Herbert
খ) Andrew Marvell
গ) John Donne
ঘ) Henry Vaughan
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