Browning was the composer of any of the following poems-

ক) Two Voices
খ) The Scholar Gipsy
গ) Andreadel Sarto
ঘ) One one

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ক) Thomas Hardy
খ) Janne Austen
গ) George Eliot
ঘ) Charles Dickens
ক) Ben Johnson
খ) Christopher
গ) John Dryden
ঘ) William Shakespeare
ক) Boswell
খ) Ben Jonson
গ) Samuel Johnson
ঘ) Milton
ক) G.B. Shaw
খ) H.G. Wells
গ) Henry Fielding
ঘ) Walter Scott
ক) A tragedy by Shakespeare
খ) A play By G.B Shaw
গ) A poem by Lord Byron
ঘ) A novel by Rabindranath Tagore
ক) James Joyce
খ) Arthur Miller
গ) Samuel Beckett
ঘ) George Bernard Shaw

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