The ‘Merchant of Verice’ Written by Shakespears is ___
ক) A novel
খ) a short story
গ) a poem
ঘ) a drama
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ক) Hamlet
খ) Measure for Measure
গ) As you like it
ঘ) She stoops to conquer
ক) Alfred Tennyson
খ) Robert Browing
গ) Mathew Amold
ঘ) John Donne
ক) George B. Shaw
খ) Thomas Hardy
গ) Shakespeare
ঘ) T.S. Eliot
ক) H. G. Wells
খ) George Orwel
গ) Thomas Hardy
ঘ) Ernest Hemingway
ক) Thomas More
খ) George Orwel
গ) Boris Pasternak
ঘ) Charles Dickens
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