Which one is a common noun?

ক) infant
খ) salt
গ) studentship
ঘ) Army

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খ) job She asked me if I have been happy in my new job
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ঘ) She asked me if I had been happy in my new job
ক) He was working hard to standing first
খ) He is working hardly to stand first
গ) He is working hard to stand first
ঘ) He works hard to standing first
ক) Greed leads to sin and to death
খ) Greed leaded to sin and to death
গ) Greed leading to sin and to death
ঘ) Greed leads to sin and death.
ক) Over a billion people uses Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
খ) Over a billion people use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
গ) Over a billion peoples use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
ঘ) Over a billion people using Microsoft Windows . Operating Systems.

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