What does the following sentence mean? ‘They have yet to make a decision

ক) They have made a decision
খ) They are ready to make a decision
গ) They have not made a decision
ঘ) They are about to make a decision

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ক) Than
খ) welcomed
গ) accept
ঘ) Accepted
ক) I am walking
খ) I was walking
গ) I have been walking
ঘ) I have walked
ক) moves
খ) moved
গ) has moved
ঘ) will be moving
ক) since
খ) from
গ) after
ঘ) till
ক) নরওয়ে
খ) ফিনল্যান্ড
গ) ইন্দোনেশিয়া
ঘ) জাপান

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