She told me his name after he ------?

ক) left
খ) had left
গ) has left
ঘ) has been leaving

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ক) She denied that she had been written the letter
খ) She denied that she had written the letter .
গ) She denied that she wrote the letter .
ঘ) She denied that she has written the letter .
ক) Kingship
খ) King
গ) Kinghood
ঘ) উপরের কোনটিই নয়
ক) Extraordinary
খ) spendthrift
গ) economical
ঘ) authentic
ক) verb
খ) Adjective
গ) Noun
ঘ) Adverb
ক) consume extravagantly
খ) uncontrolled supply
গ) consume all the supply
ঘ) become careless in using
ক) wagering contract
খ) contingent contract
গ) voidable contract
ঘ) lawful contract

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