What is the meaning of 'run riot ' ?
ক) Behave in a lawful way
খ) Behave in a legal way
গ) Behave in a lawless way
ঘ) Behave in a good way
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ক) a day with rains
খ) a day with cold weather
গ) a day with hot weather
ঘ) a difficult day
ক) British novelist
খ) Irish novelist
গ) American novelist
ঘ) Latin American novelist
ক) The Victorian Age
খ) The Elizabeth Age
গ) The Restoration age
ঘ) The Eighteenth Century
ক) Robert Frost
খ) William Wordsworth
গ) Jane Austen
ঘ) O' Henry
ক) detective literature
খ) satirical literature
গ) juvenile literature
ঘ) religious literature
ক) John and happiness
খ) Expectation and disappointment
গ) Love and beauty
ঘ) Exitement and sensation
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