'Child is the father of a man' is taken from the poem of--
ক) W. Wordsworth
খ) S.T. Coleridge
গ) P.B. Shelley
ঘ) A.C. Swinburne
Related Questions
ক) The comical end of dramatic events
খ) The tragic end of dramatic events
গ) The comic tragic end of the play
ঘ) None of the above
ক) Lord Byron
খ) John Keats
গ) William Wordsworth
ঘ) P.B. Shelley
ক) Hamlet
খ) Othelo
গ) King Lear
ঘ) Macbeth
ক) nineteenth
খ) sixteenth
গ) eighteenth
ঘ) fifteenth
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