তুমি কিভাবে তার ব্যাগটি পাইলে?—Translate into English.

ক) How did you come across his purse?
খ) How did you come to his purse?
গ) How did you come round his purse?
ঘ) How did you come by his purse?

Related Questions

ক) The train is bound for Dhaka
খ) The train is bound to Dhaka
গ) The train is bound towards Dhaka
ঘ) The train is bound toward Dhaka
ক) Proprietor
খ) propitor
গ) proprietor
ঘ) proprietor
ক) Scizophrenia
খ) Schizophrania
গ) Schizophrenia
ঘ) Seizophrania
ক) Renowned
খ) Unknown
গ) Backward
ঘ) Illiterate
Note : Famous (বিখ্যাত) এর synonym হলো Renowned (প্রখ্যাত/ বিখ্যাত)।
ক) Speaks
খ) is speaking
গ) is spoken
ঘ) has spoken
ক) A poem was made recite by her
খ) she was made to recite a poem
গ) she was made recited a poem
ঘ) a poem was made to be recited

জব সলুশন

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