উনিশ শতকের গীতিকাব্য ধারার অন্যতম কবি-
ক) নবীনচন্দ্র সেন
খ) বিহারী লাল
গ) হেমচন্দ্র বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়
ঘ) কামিনী রায়
Related Questions
ক) Neither
খ) Not
গ) Nor
ঘ) Either
Note : 'Neither/either' is used when we have to choose between the two options. Whereas 'None/one' is used when we have to choose between more than two options.
ক) have
খ) has
গ) had been
ঘ) would have
ক) have consented
খ) was consented
গ) had been consented
ঘ) has consented
ক) does
খ) do
গ) participates
ঘ) participate
Note : In the case of the following words, the verbs used will be singular: Each, every/everyone, someone/somebody, none/ nobody, one, any, many a, more than one, etc.
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