সাহিত্যে অলঙ্কার প্রধানত কত প্রকার?
ক) ৬
খ) ২
গ) ৪
ঘ) ৫
Note : সাহিত্যে অলঙ্কার প্রধানত দুই প্রকার। যথা-শব্দালঙ্কার ও অর্থালঙ্কার।
Related Questions
ক) She had faith in and hopes for the future
খ) She had faith and hopes for the future
গ) She had faith and hopes in the future
ঘ) She had faith and hopes in future
ক) in cool brain and calculated thought
খ) so patiently and thoughtfully
গ) so impatiently and thoughtlessly
ঘ) stirred by sudden emotion
ক) is
খ) has
গ) have
ঘ) was
ক) Good food is for good health
খ) Nutritious food is good for health
গ) Nutrients in food is good and healthy
ঘ) Healthy food is good for health
ক) He receives the letter when I met him.
খ) He has received the letter when I met him.
গ) He had received the letter before I met him.
ঘ) He had received the letter when I have met him.
ক) finished
খ) has finished
গ) will finish
ঘ) finishing
জব সলুশন