To be one's , wit's end means -
ক) To become mad
খ) To come to the end of a journey
গ) Not to know what to do
ঘ) To finish a job
Related Questions
ক) seek permission
খ) draw attention
গ) ask question
ঘ) get pardon
ক) Mango is more sweer than any other fruits in the world
খ) Mango is sweeter than all other fruits in the world
গ) Mango is sweerter than most other fruits in the world
ঘ) Mango is sweeter than any other fruits in the world
ক) সৈয়দ শামসুল হক
খ) আবদুল মান্নান সৈয়দ
গ) সৈয়দ আলী আহসান
ঘ) সেলিম আল দীন
জব সলুশন