'Victor Huge' was a -
ক) English novelist
খ) American novelist
গ) Scottish novelist
ঘ) French novelist
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ক) a kind of short narrative poem
খ) a kind of short condoling poem
গ) a kind of short love poem
ঘ) a rhymic verse
ক) Ne'er to be seen again
খ) Vanish like summer's rain
গ) Ne'er to be found again
ঘ) As quick a growth to meet decay
ক) is increased
খ) would be increased
গ) will be increased
ঘ) will increase
ক) The chairman proposed to the members to drop the members to drop the matter that day
খ) The chairman proposed to the members that they should drop the matter today
গ) The chairman proposed to the members that they should drop the matter that day
ঘ) The chairman proposed to the members that they might drop the matter today
ক) that he not work too hard for three months
খ) take it easy for three months
গ) taking it easy inside for three months
ঘ) to take some vacations for three months
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