কোনটির অভাবে মানুষ দুর্নীতি করে?
ক) শিক্ষা
খ) দেশপ্রেম
গ) বুদ্ধি
ঘ) জ্ঞান
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গ) সহমর্মিতা
ঘ) সহনশীলতা
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খ) Who would be paid him ?
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ক) Football is played by me.
খ) Football has been played by me.
গ) Football is being played by me.
ঘ) Football was played by me.
ক) Let not a lie ever be called
খ) Let a lie never be told
গ) Le a lie not ever be told
ঘ) Let never be told a lie
ক) You mistake hold this idea
খ) You mistake in holding this idea
গ) You are mistaken in holding this idea
ঘ) You are mistaken to hold this idea
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