A pilgrim is a person who undertakes journey to a----

ক) new country
খ) a mosque
গ) holy place
ঘ) temple
Note : a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.

Related Questions

ক) heart specialist
খ) nerves specialist
গ) bone specialist
ঘ) eye specialist
Note : Heart Specialist=Cardiologist Bone Specialist=Orthopedist Eye Specialist = ophthalmologist
ক) simile
খ) metaphor
গ) personification
ঘ) alliteration
Note : simile: a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g., as brave as a lion, crazy like a fox ).
ক) Benevolent
খ) Official
গ) Officious
ঘ) Bureaucratic
Note : Officious---Pushing/thrusting oneself where one is not welcome or invited.
ক) Ardent
খ) Complacent
গ) Confident
ঘ) Apprehensive
Note : Complacent-- having or showing a lack of interest or concern/disinterested.
ক) The art of writing
খ) the science of human thoughts and reading minds
গ) the philosophy of existence
ঘ) stealing someone else’s ideas and passing them off as one’s own
ক) Invaluable
খ) valuable
গ) valueless
ঘ) according to value

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