“Pass away” means

ক) Disappear
খ) Die
গ) Erase
ঘ) Fall

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ক) successful
খ) debt
গ) destroyed
ঘ) ransacked
ক) Rich rich
খ) New high class
গ) Well off
ঘ) New rich
Note : “nouveau riche” means--- people who have recently acquired wealth, typically those perceived as ostentatious or lacking in good taste.
ক) Speech made
খ) Final speech
গ) First speech
ঘ) Early speech
ক) in and in
খ) out and out
গ) on and on
ঘ) up and up
ক) idiom
খ) phrase
গ) proverb
ঘ) none of them
ক) pass the money to others
খ) pass the blame to others
গ) pass the bribe to others
ঘ) pass the price to others

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