Which one complete the sentence properly ? The ship -----

ক) was sunk
খ) drowned
গ) was drowned
ঘ) sank

Related Questions

ক) She doesn't attend class regularly
খ) They don't attend class regularly
গ) She don't attend class regularly
ঘ) She does attend class regularly
ক) Aborance
খ) Abhorence
গ) Abhorrence
ঘ) Abhorance
ক) hetarogeneous
খ) heterogeneous
গ) hetrogeneous
ঘ) hetroganeous
ক) Obnoksous
খ) Obnoxious
গ) Obnoxsous
ঘ) Obnocious
ক) Colonel
খ) Cornel
গ) Koronel
ঘ) Kornel
ক) Assesment
খ) Asessment
গ) Asesment
ঘ) Assessment

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