Which one in the correct indirect narration? “Why have you beaten my dog”? he said to me.

ক) He demanded me why had I beaten his dog
খ) He asked me why I have had beaten his dog
গ) He demanded of me why I had beaten his dog
ঘ) He enquired me why had I had beaten his dog

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ক) She asked me if I was happy in my new job.
খ) She asked me if have been happy in my new job.
গ) She asked me either I am happy in my new job.
ঘ) She asked me if I had been happy in my new job.
ক) Karim said that he could not do it then.
খ) Karim said that he could not do it now.
গ) Karim told that he could not do it now.
ঘ) Karim said he cannot do it now.
ক) that
খ) which
গ) where
ঘ) whose
ক) Diploma
খ) Diplomacy
গ) Diplomatic
ঘ) Diplomat
ক) Your word must be kept
খ) Let your word be kept
গ) Your word should be kept
ঘ) Let be kept your word
ক) I was annoyed by him
খ) I was annoyed by himself
গ) I was annoyed to him
ঘ) I was annoyed with him

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