কোন মাধ্যমে শব্দে গতি সবচেয়ে বেশি?
ক) শূন্যতায়
খ) লোহা
গ) পানি
ঘ) বাতাস
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ক) United Nations Executive Programme
খ) United Nations Environment Plan
গ) United Nations Environment Programme
ঘ) United Nations Environmental Petition
ক) Your friend is helped you
খ) Let you help your friend
গ) You are asked to helped your
ঘ) Let your friend be helped by you
ক) A letter is written by him
খ) A letter was written by him
গ) A letter was being written by him
ঘ) A letter is being written by him
ক) By whom can it be did
খ) By whom can it be do
গ) By whom could it be done.
ঘ) By whom can it be done
জব সলুশন