Who is the author of the first scientific romance 'The Time Machine'?
ক) H. G. Wells
খ) Samuel Butler
গ) George Moore
ঘ) Henry James
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ক) Samuel Beckett
খ) Henry Livings
গ) Harold Pinter
ঘ) Arthur Miller
ক) into
খ) no preposition
গ) to
ঘ) Incyclopedia
ক) infinitive
খ) gerund
গ) participle
ঘ) verbal noun
ক) The doctor found my pulse.
খ) The doctor took my pulse.
গ) The doctor examined my pulse.
ঘ) The doctor saw my pulse.
ক) present participle
খ) adjective
গ) common noun
ঘ) gerund
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