Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield' is taken from the poem written by-

ক) Robert Browning
খ) Mathew Arnold
গ) Alfred Tennyson
ঘ) Lord Byron

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ক) Knowing
খ) Knowledge
গ) Knowledgeable
ঘ) known
ক) pronoun
খ) conjunction
গ) adjective
ঘ) adverb
ক) concise
খ) detailed
গ) expressive
ঘ) descriptive
ক) adjective phrase
খ) noun phrase
গ) conjunctional phrase
ঘ) averb phrase
ক) king
খ) sovereign
গ) emperor
ঘ) queen

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