. Adela Quested and Mrs. Moore are characters from the novel

ক) David Copperfield
খ) The Return of the Native
গ) A passage to India
ঘ) Adam Bede

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ক) Norway
খ) Britain
গ) Denmark
ঘ) France
ক) P. B. Shelley
খ) S. T. Coleridge
গ) John Keats
ঘ) T. S. Eliot
ক) It is but right to admit our faults.
খ) What can we do but sit and wait?
গ) We tried hard, but did not succeed.
ঘ) There is no one but likes him.
ক) questinaire
খ) questionoir
গ) questionnaire
ঘ) questionair
ক) adverb
খ) adjective
গ) conjunction
ঘ) verb
ক) tell someone that you are very angry with them.
খ) say exactly what you feel or think.
গ) return or to help somebody return to a normal situation.
ঘ) give somebody mental peace.

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