Identify the right tense : "My father ____before I came"

ক) would be leaving
খ) had been leaving
গ) had left
ঘ) will leave

Related Questions

ক) a tragedy by William Shakespeare
খ) a poem by Lord Byron
গ) A play by Bernard Shaw
ঘ) A novel by S.T Coloridge
ক) Material
খ) Collective
গ) Proper
ঘ) Common
ক) The Tempest
খ) Hamlet
গ) Macbeth
ঘ) Othelllo
ক) noun clause
খ) subordinate clause
গ) independent clause
ঘ) coordinate clause
ক) John Dryden
খ) William Congreve
গ) John Bunyan
ঘ) Francis Bacon
ক) Harlod Pinter
খ) G.B Shaw
গ) T.S Eliot
ঘ) Samuel Beckett

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