Identify the appropriate preposition : Your opinion is identical ______mine.

ক) for
খ) in
গ) with
ঘ) by

Related Questions

ক) Zaman is one of the most industrious boys.
খ) Zaman is more industrius than most other boys
গ) Zaman is really industrious like other boys.
ঘ) Zaman is as industrious as other boys.
ক) content modulator
খ) terminator
গ) Thesis statement
ঘ) topic sentence
ক) Johm Milton
খ) John Donne
গ) Lord Byroon
ঘ) S.T Coleridge
ক) a mermaid
খ) A whale
গ) a crocodile
ঘ) a shark
ক) Samuel Richardson
খ) Horace Walpole
গ) Henry Fielding
ঘ) Laurence Steme
ক) reminescence
খ) glycerin
গ) indiosyncrasy
ঘ) lexicography

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