The antonym for 'slothful' is-

ক) playful
খ) sluggish
গ) energetic
ঘ) quarrelsome

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ক) Let not the door close
খ) Let not the door be closed
গ) Let not the door close
ঘ) Let not door closed
ক) an adverb
খ) a verb
গ) an adjective
ঘ) a conjunction
ক) essayist
খ) dramatist
গ) novelist
ঘ) journalist
ক) everywhere
খ) very large
গ) mostly
ঘ) faraway
ক) novel
খ) treatise
গ) short story
ঘ) poem
ক) scenic
খ) Sluggish
গ) energetic
ঘ) quarrelsome

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