Over-flooding is one of the worst problems in our country. (Positive)

ক) Over-flooding is worse than any other problem.
খ) No other problem in our country is as bad as over-flooding.
গ) Very few problems in our country are as bad as over-flooding.
ঘ) Over-flooding is a very problem in our country.

Related Questions

ক) Work hard and you can not succeed.
খ) Work hard or you can not succeed.
গ) Work hard and you can succeed.
ঘ) You work hard and you can succeed.
ক) unwise
খ) insightful
গ) injudicious
ঘ) impolite
ক) Salam is not stronger than Kalam.
খ) Salam is stronger than Kalam.
গ) Kalam is not stronger than Salam.
ঘ) Kalam is stronger than Salam.
ক) to create fire
খ) to go through suffering
গ) to come to nothing
ঘ) to see fire
ক) official
খ) honorable
গ) salaried
ঘ) literary
ক) unbelievable
খ) unthinkable
গ) unlikely
ঘ) un-thinking

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